Barb Poole Appears in Print

Exciting news on the book front for Barb Poole. Her quotes appear in several chapters of Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. (Quintessential Careers)’s book, Top-Notch Executive Interviews: How to Strategically Deal With Recruiters, Search Firms, Boards of Directors, Panels, Presentations, Pre-interviews, and Other High-stress Situations.

“This vital book includes an insightful examination of critical differences that distinguish executive-level interviews from all others, along with extensive information on leveraging relationships with recruiters, plentiful sample interview questions and suggested responses, and a comprehensive list of sample questions to ask the interviewer.” – Career Press

Release is set for October 20, 2009 but is currently at Indiebound, Amazon and Barnes and Noble for pre-ordering. Published by Career Press.

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